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5 personas

Procurement personas

The first procurement professional personalized guide to grow their career in a healthy, impactful way.

22 capabilities & 100 assessment points linked with performance & wellbeing.

3 reasons to assess now


The test takes just 10′ to 15′ and you get immediate visibility on your profile and insights for your growth.


Get clarity on where you are versus the market and recommendations on next steps.


From pharma, telco to FMCG the test and recommendations work everywhere you go in Procurement.

human capabilities

Do you have what it takes for your dream future?

How much valuable advice to you get to accomplish your dreams?

Do you know your superpowers to play on them and your areas to grow?

And do you know how to avoid ending in burn out at the finish line?

what it is and not

What is 5 Personas?

It’s the first personalized solution for procurement professionals to develop future proof careers in a healthy, impactful way.

It’s an assessment app across 22 capabilities associated with high performance in procurement and wellbeing.

It is not a hard skills assessment like all the others. It’s human centered, holistic view as any life solution should be.

the key

Used worldwide

From pharma, telco to FMCG the test and recommendations work everywhere you go in Procurement. 

You instantly get back your best fit profile personalized to your current capabilities, market benchmark and recommendations for next steps.

Change your perception about yourself and others. Experience a leap to the next level of clarity.

for your team

Do you manage a procurement team?

Why not get your team members to take ownership and responsibility by having them highlight their own profiles?

Why not changing your growth conversations aligned with their path and where they have the capabilities to shine?

Why not design the future built on your team superpowers?

5 Personas

The Negotiator

A negotiator dives into the strategy, finds the best people, companies, practical solutions and points of integration. They build the relationships. They deeply understand both businesses and people. They own the strategy and make things happen.

The Strategist

A strategist grasps the future trends, sees the big picture and builds the strategy. They understand well the markets and acosystems the company operates in. They can grasp the dinamics, factors of change or disruption and craft options that prepare businessess to thrive. They are fact-based and data-driven.

The Catalyst

A catalyst manages the relationships on a continued basis. They’re in for exploration, evolving the architecture and improving infrastructures. They bring the necessary drive and motivate everyone on the journey. They also contextualize ideas and, while being innovative, make sure that they are inline with the strategy.

The Architect

An architect manages the complexity and finds the best way to put all the components together, to connect the dots – the strategy, suppliers, digital solutions. They understand the company’s needs, people needs, digital landscape, desired outcomes and design ecosystems that bring the vision to life.

The Disruptor

A disruptor spots risks and sparks innovation potential. They create new, customer-centric products. They act proactively to manage the risks. They dare to think differently to overturn the status quo.

Know more

Find out more about who we are, our story and purpose.

Maybe a pivot from procurement to entrepreneurship is what you are thinking to do? This is our story and what we’ve learned so far.

Unlock business value with 5 Personas

Get in touch with us to discover how 5 Personas can unlock your business value. Put people center of your strategy.

Make the leap, break the patterns & join solutionary.

We can shape together the future of procurement. One that values people and planet. One that changes the world for the better.